Contribute Content

Here you can contribute to our website.

Contribute Content

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any content related to the history of mining in Somerset, whether it’s an article, photo, video, or document, we invite you to contribute. Simply fill out the form below and let us know where your content comes from, when it was created, and provide a brief description.

By sharing your material, you’ll be helping preserve and celebrate the mining heritage of Somerset for future generations.

This keeps the tone inviting and informative, while clearly explaining what needs to be done.

By submitting your content, you agree to give The Somerset District Miners Welfare Trust permission to use and upload it to the website. Please note that not all submissions will be posted. We thoroughly review all content to ensure it aligns with the aims of the site.

If we decide to publish your submission, a member of our web team will contact you directly to confirm and share the link once it’s live, so you can see how it appears on the site.

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